— From little seeds, grow mighty trees

—— A Note About Our Vibe Here…

We are family friendly! When our staff is working they are ecstatic to hold a baby or have a conversation with a toddler about their favourite dinosaur or have tea with an imaginary friend.

We believe in the idea of “It takes a Village”, and do not take it lightly when you choose to include us in yours.

We believe in empathy, compassion and understanding.

We believe in educating how the body works and what we do to get you to your goals. We want you to be able to make informed decisions on what works best for you. That also means working with our bodies and our environment, not fighting against them.

We believe in the beauty of imperfection and the occasional swear word. (Yes, we’re professionals but sometimes things warrant a well-placed F-bomb).

We believe everyone should feel safe and comfortable in our space. We want you to feel comfortable not apologizing for being emotional or not shaving your legs. There’s no judgement here!


Dr. Aimee Shaw

Chiropractor | Acupuncturist

Favourite activities/hobbies: Pretty much anything with good company! Reading, painting (by number, ha!) and the occasional guilty pleasure Netflix series binge watch.

Any Pets? Two cats, Queen Elizabeth III and Luna Lovegood Jr.

Your go-to Starbucks order: when in season a chestnut praline latte, the rest of the year a half sweet white mocha.

Favourite local restaurant: I couldn’t possibly pick just one, we are so lucky in Kingston with amazing food, but my top two are Woodenhead’s and Baja!

Fun fact about you: I have been part of setting two Guinness World Records! … Read More

Rebecca Dedrick, RMT

Registered Massage Therapist

Favourite activities/hobbies: I love yoga, sunny beach days, long hikes in nature and being with loved ones.

Any Pets? My dog, Baz!

Your go-to Starbucks order: Latte with one pump of pistachio.

Favourite local restaurant: A girls night at Black Dog Tavern with a charcuterie board and some espresso martinis, now that’s hard to beat!

Fun fact about you: I also have a degree in Art & Art History from U of T! I love to paint and draw. … Read More

Lauren Miller

Office Manager

Favourite activities/hobbies: picking up new crafting hobbies, chatting about birth and babies, and walking with a giant coffee in hand.

Any Pets? Tela, my 90 lb ball of fluff. She enjoys long walks and dog park trips with all of her pooch friends.

Your go-to Starbucks order: Oat milk latte, please!

Favourite local restaurant: Baja in Kingston and The Stonewater Pub in Gananoque.

Fun fact about you: I had my first baby on Halloween, but it’s my second baby we lovingly call “Chucky”. … Read More

Harmonic Egg Practitioner | Certified Holistic Nutritionist | Spiritual Mentor

Celia Wynne

Favourite activities/hobbies: Sinking into a good book, watching a favourite movie, skating, dancing and deep conversations with good friends.

Any Pets? Yep! 2 dogs: Zoey the Pembroke Corgi and Fergus the Great Pyrenees cross. And Zoey’s the boss!!

Your go-to Starbucks order: Extra hot lactose free chai latte with cinnamon on top

Favourite local restaurant: Days on Front

Fun fact about you: Much to my family’s horror I’ve really enjoyed jumping out of an airplane to skydive!

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Ginger Pharand

Psychotherapist (Q)


—— Acupuncture

Acupuncture is part of the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been used for 1000s of years. It can be helpful for women’s health conditions, digestive disorders, mental health and cosmetically as well.

—— Harmonic Egg

The Harmonic Egg is a sound, light and vibrational therapy unit that reduces inflammation, calms the mind and re-energizes the body.

—— Chiropractic

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, gentle options for babies, children and adults. It can address a variety of concerns related to the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

—— Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is an important tool in promoting physical and mental health. It can be used for pain management, headaches, relaxation, pregnancy and anxiety/ depression.

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