Registered Massage Therapy

Massage therapy treatments provided by a Registered Massage Therapist can offer significant benefits for a variety of conditions and for diverse patient populations. Whether you need to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, massage therapy can enhance your overall well-being. Massage therapy can help alleviate musculoskeletal disorders associated with everyday stress, muscular overuse, physical manifestation of mental distress and many persistent pain syndromes.

Massage therapy can be an important part of your health maintenance plan by reducing or eliminating pain, improving joint mobility, improving lymphatic drainage, reducing muscular tension, and calming the nervous system.

Massage therapy can treat both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs work with a wide variety of patients in the treatment of illness, injury, rehabilitation and disability and can prove beneficial to many conditions, including but not limited to the following:

  • Muscle Tension and Spasm

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Pregnancy and Labor Support

  • Sciatica

  • Scoliosis

  • Sports Injuries

  • Strains and Sprains

  • Stress and Stress-Related Conditions

  • Stroke

  • Tendinitis

  • Whiplash

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma and Emphysema

  • Cancer

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Dislocations

  • Edema

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches

  • Inflammatory Conditions

  • Insomnia

  • Lymphoedema

  • Multiple Sclerosis

Massage therapy can also be used as part of a preventative care program. This includes sports training, injury prevention, ongoing stress management and more!

Your massage therapist will require an overall picture of your current health and a detailed health history in order to design a treatment plan that’s right for you. If a massage therapist determines that your condition would be better treated by another healthcare professional, they will make the appropriate referral.


The fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds all the muscles and organs. It acts as the glue that keeps all of our many layers together. At times, our bodies will create adhesions in this tissue, which can limit our mobility and cause pain. In some cases, if these adhesions go unresolved, they can lead to chronic pain. This is a result of many factors such as injury, trauma or postural dysfunction.

Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure to these restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. This is a slow, gentle technique that works with the fascia of the body. Your RMT may apply a fascial technique while moving your limbs to encourage tissue release.  Fascial work can be uncomfortable at times, so please do not hesitate to speak up if it is overwhelming! 


Indie head massage is based on the practice of Indian head massage, an ancient application that began in India over 500 years ago. It’s a form of massage based on ancient Ayurvedic medicine. This massage focuses on the head, scalp, neck, chest and face. The techniques used are both invigorating and soothing at the same time. They are aimed at promoting relaxation while effectively easing muscle pain. 

The only major difference between Indie and Indian Head Massage is the application of aromatherapy and the use of Ayurvedic principles. Indian head massage is not recognized as an approved modality, as Ayurvedic medicine falls outside of your RMT's scope of practice. But the practice of Indie head massage takes the technical applications of the ancient practice and complies with the massage therapy scope of practice so that you can enjoy this luxurious treatment and still claim it under your benefits!

Indie head massage is a 45 minute treatment. Your RMT will begin by applying techniques to address the fascia of your head, neck and chest—this portion of the massage can be intense and you are encouraged to speak up if you are feeling overwhelmed. However, generally this is found to be very beneficial for improving hydration of the tissues, improving joint mobility, decreasing tension and improving lymphatic drainage in the face. Heated oil is then poured onto your scalp, an incredibly nourishing practice for your hair and scalp health. This is then followed by soothing, gentle massage which will encourage relaxation and drainage.

Please note, Indie head massage involves oil being poured directly on the scalp, leaving hair and scalp covered in oil. We do NOT have shower facilities at the clinic so please plan accordingly.


Cupping works by creating suction on an area of skin. This generates the action of tissue decompression that promotes relaxation and circulation. It has the ability to affect deeper tissue, remove fascial restrictions and increase range of motion.

Your RMT may apply a silicone cup or a hard plastic cup, which is suctioned on using a small pump. Both types of cups create a vacuum against the skin, which pulls the tissue up into the cup. This will result in mild redness or stark circles of ecchymosis--similar in look to a bruise without the blow or impact, a discoloration of the skin resulting from bleeding underneath.  

Some people can find cupping to be uncomfortable while others feel they find more relief from their treatments when it is incorporated. Cupping can easily be added into your massage treatment at no extra cost, so please feel free to inquire if you are curious to try!


Massage can help throughout all trimesters of pregnancy to help cope with the aches and pains of a woman’s changing body. Back pain, swelling in legs and feet, headaches, insomnia can all be treated with Massage Therapy. Massage during pregnancy has been shown to:

  • improve maternal mood

  • decrease depression and anxiety

  • decrease pain

  • decrease stress hormones in pregnant women

  • decrease obstetrical complications, and

  • improve neonatal health and development.

For pregnancy massage we have a prenatal bolster that allows you to lay face down comfortably throughout your entire pregnancy.  If the bolster just does not work for you, your RMT will work with you to ensure you are comfortable by using several pillows and props.

During your treatment, your RMT may use either hot/warm or cold/cool applications to encourage circulation, lymphatic drainage, relaxation and softening of scar tissue. Whether it is hot towels, cool compresses, heating pads or facial steam, your RMT may incorporate any of these into your treatment. These applications are both soothing and beneficial—do not hesitate to ask about incorporating temperature therapy into your treatments if you are curious!


Book with Rebecca


30 Minute Massage (RMT) ———— $80.00

45 Minute Massage (RMT) ———— $97.00

60 Minute Massage (RMT) ———— $116.00

75 Minute Massage (RMT) ———— $137.00

90 Minute Massage (RMT) ———— $160.00

120 Minute Massage (RMT) ———— $232.00

Indie Head Massage (RMT) ———— $100.00

HST included in pricing  *Fees are subject to change
  • You don't have to do anything you don't want to do! Your RMT will request you undress to your comfort level, which means however naked you choose to be. Be advised, the amount of techniques your RMT can use will be reduced if you choose to remain fully clothed, but we can still have a safe and effective treatment. Above all, we want you to feel comfortable.

  • Not at all. This is your time. Speak or don't speak to your heart's content! Silence can be very healing and is often encouraged during treatments involving relaxation. That being said, communication involving your comfort, pain levels and concerns are always encouraged--please speak up if you need something.

  • Please never hesitate to speak up if you feel the pressure is too much, the massage technique is too intense or you need to change your position in some way. Your RMT will happily adjust their approach to suit your comfort levels. We have many props and pillows to ensure you are always supported. If you are too hot or cold, we can provide relief. Kleenex, water, a break mid massage--just let us know and we will do what we can to make sure you're comfortable.

  • Not necessarily. You can go to an RMT for many reasons, such as stress relief, preventative care, post surgical care, sports/injury maintenance, pre/post natal care, and the list goes on. You don't need to have a specific reason to see an RMT, it's okay to come in and simply relax! If you are healing from an injury or you have had any traumatic injuries in the past, you are encouraged to mention this to your RMT as this sort of information makes your treatment plan more effective.

  • You do not need a doctor's note or a referral for massage. Your insurance company may require you to have one, but that is not something your RMT will be able to provide information on. You will have to speak to your insurance company.

    Under certain circumstances, your RMT will want your doctor's permission before continuing with massage. Situations such as surgeries, accidents, illness or infectious conditions may require a doctor's permission to proceed with care. Your RMT will not require a doctor's note, but may request permission to communicate with your primary care physician or any other referring practitioner if it is deemed necessary.