Harmonic Egg

The Harmonic Egg℠ is a unique and powerful sound, light and vibration therapy chamber that offers deep relaxation and a restorative reboot to the body, creating positive effects emotionally, physically, spiritually and more!  

The 12-sided dodecahedron Harmonic Egg combines the science of bio resonance with the ancient wisdom of sacred geometry. This integrative energy therapy utilizes light, color, sound, frequency, and vibration to activate the body’s natural ability to balance and restore itself.

Adults, children, and even the occasional pet have responded positively to the energy therapy from the Harmonic Egg.

People have experienced relief from:

  • Insomnia

  • Inflammatory Conditions

  • Injuries

  • Insomnia

  • Lyme Disease

  • Mental and Developmental Disorders

  • Pain Conditions

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Spiritual Dissonance

  • Anxiety

  • Arthritis

  • Blood Pressure Disorders

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Depression

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Headaches

  • Hormone issues

  • Inflammatory Conditions

And many more!

Light and sound have been used for healing dating back thousands of years.

The Harmonic Egg combines these healing modalities into one powerful unit.

Sound Therapy

It is believed that resonance may be the most important principle of sound healing. It can be described as the frequency of vibration that is most natural to a specific organ or system (eg the heart, liver, lungs). All things have a frequency that it naturally resonates at, known as the Prime Resonance Frequency. Typical cells have a resonance of about 1000 Hertz, while the cells of a heart resonate at around 100 Hertz. In sound healing different sound frequencies are used to help rebalance/re-harmonize cells that have become unbalanced from toxins, emotional traumas, pathogens, etc. It is also theorized that sound can open up ion channels at the cellular level to allow for nutrients and cell to cell communication.

There are an abundance of studies that show:

  • listening to music releases endorphins, increasing the body’s tolerance to pain as well as reducing stress

  • when mothers sing lullabies to premature babies, monitors show reduced stress levels measured by slowed heartbeat, increased oxygen saturation and they became calmer

  • 30 minutes of classical music produces the same effect as 10 mg of Valium

  • Music triggers memories and is useful in managing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

  • Listening to familiar music can calm chaotic brain activity.

  • Music helps control blood pressure and heart-related disorders

  • Adults who play music produce higher levels of human growth hormone (HGH), which is a necessary hormone for regulating body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism and possibly heart function.

  • Some empirical evidence suggests that specific instruments and types of sounds can help ease certain physical, mental and emotional conditions. Eg. flute for liver issues, gout and sciatica, piano for resetting the autonomic nervous system, water sounds for PTSD, and drumming to increase immune function.

One study looked at tuning fork vibration therapy and observed that human cells each have a specific vibration frequency, which can explain why one specific healing sound might not have the same effect on every person. Pure sound can destroy cells such as cancer, showing evidence that their cell nuclei are incapable of maintaining their structure when sound wave frequencies attack the cytoplasmic and nuclear membranes. In the study nine musical notes were played on a xylophone for fourteen minutes. At the end of those 14 minutes the cancer cells became disorganized and broke up. When the experiment was repeated with a human voice, the cancer cells disorganized, disintegrated and then exploded after 9 minutes.

Sound can facilitate shifts in our brain waves. They can take us from our normal conscious waking state (beta) to a more relaxed state (alpha), a deep meditative state (theta) and even to delta, our state we achieve during sleep. It is this delta state where healing occurs.

The Harmonic Egg has 6 specially developed wellness tracks: Reduce Inflammation, Stress-Less, Boost Immunity, Liver Remedy, Heavy Metal Detox, and Kid’s Sanctuary. The Kids Sanctuary track was designed for energetically sensitive persons and the autistic community, for whom sounds can sometimes be challenging or over-stimulating. It uses just the sound of flute, water and birds to soothe and calm the senses (Adults find it incredibly soothing and restful too!!!)

Light Therapy

Light is essential to our health and well-being, entering our body through our eyes and skin. It stimulates and supports our endocrine (hormonal) system, organs and our immune system.

There are two important studies that brought light to the forefront of scientific research. The first was understanding how light affects cell metabolism through a process called photo-biomodulation. The second was the discovery of something called the non-visual optic pathway. This is a pathway in the brain that connects the retinas directly to the hypothalamus, the core of the brain that regulates and balances our hormones.

Light therapy is now used/studied for treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Seasonal Affective Disorders, skin disorders, migraines, wound healing, eye disorders, jaundice, and chronic inflammation, to name a few.

The colour of the light is also an important aspect of this energy healing. For centuries society has used colour for healing and emotions. Eastern societies felt that each colour of the rainbow corresponded energetically to a different energy centre, or chakra, in the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine relates certain colours to different meridians or organ systems and those colours can be used strategically to help heal. Colour is everywhere around us, but it is only in the last century or so that modern science has started to seriously investigate and confirm what the ancients knew about the profound effects it has on us physically and emotionally. This area of study allows us to know the action of different colours on different bodily systems or organs and how to use them to balance those organs. Each colour’s vibration is also associated with different attributes and qualities and influence our emotions and wellbeing by supplying the frequency we need to keep our mind and body in balance.

Dr Jacob Lieberman, author of Luminous Life, gives the following explanation for how “colour homeopathy” works:

Frequently people will uses phrase like “green with envy” or “feeling blue”, but there are a multiple emotions or intentions associated with colours:

Coloured light slips beneath our conscious awareness, reaching beyond our cerebral cortex and into the primitive brainstem that controls our innate response to colour. It penetrates our emotional and memory centres while triggering significant psychophysiological responses. In bringing unresolved issues to conscious awareness, colour homeopathy unearths the emotional roots of our visual field constriction, ultimately freeing us from our past trauma

The colour red has the most extended length in the visible spectrum and the lowest rate of vibration. It is known as the “Great Energizer”. It is passionate and warm, has a stimulating effect, both mentally and physically, and is associated with excitement, power, confidence, energy and vitality, willpower, vigour, force and the general excitement of life. Red relates to the root chakra and reproductive organs. It is effectively used when there is a lack of vitality, congestion, constriction or lethargy.

Positive benefits include:

  • increased circulation/energy

  • Stimulates sluggish intestines

  • Generates body heat

  • Stimulates ovulation and menstruation

  • Excellent for anemia and blood related conditions, building red blood cells and hemoglobin

  • Stimulates all the sense

Should be avoided when:

  • With any condition that should not be stimulated

  • High blood pressure

  • When experiencing anger or overly excited

  • When fever is present

  • With nerve inflammation, mental illness or more severe mental imbalances

  • Autism

  • If you have naturally red hair, use the colour red with caution


Orange is the colour of sensuality, passion and joy. It enhances mental and physical energy, promotes creativity and is used to help problems with the kidneys, intestines, lower spine and sacroiliac joints. It is associated with resourcefulness, confidence, success and sociability, helping to remove inhibitions and encourage enjoyable relationships. Orange relates to the spleen chakra, aka the sacral chakra.

Positive benefits:

  • Used therapeutically to heal grief

  • Alleviates depression

  • Eases chronic fear

  • Improves social confidence

  • Joyfulness

  • Stimulates the lungs and respiration, digestion and stomach, and the thyroid

  • Bone growth

  • Helps bruise healing

  • Stimulate the production of milk in the mammary glands

  • Relieves muscle cramps and spasms


Yellow is the colour of pure energy: Hot, bright and cheerfully optimistic, symbolizing the Sun. It helps stimulate intelligence, alertness, and inspire creativity in those who are feeling sluggish or lethargic. Yellow is associated with cheerfulness, mental clarity, curiosity, wisdom, inspiration, and self esteem. It is particularly recommended for those with skin issues. It is associated with the solar plexus chakra, known as the “seat of emotions” and personal empowerment. It allows us to gain the inner strength to pursue our life goals.

Positive Benefits:

  • Alleviates depression

  • Detoxifies the mind and body

  • Helps with skin problems

  • Can be used for conditions of the stomach, liver, and intestines

  • Speeds up digestion and the passing of stools

  • Aids scar tissue healing

  • Stimulates lymphatics

  • Reduces swelling

  • Addresses infertility

  • Stimulates appetite

  • Speeds metabolism

  • Can assist in lowering A1C levels in those with diabetes

  • Tones muscles

Should be avoided when:

  • Spleen issues are indicated

  • In the kitchen, unless you want to stimulate appetite

  • Overuse of yellow can cause insomnia and digestive issues


Green is known as the master or balancing colour, as it is associated with the pituitary, which is our master gland. The most common colour in nature, green is associated with energy, vitality, growth and renewal, hope, youth, and an enthusiasm for live. It promotes feelings of relaxation, restfulness, trust, comfort, contentment, harmony, and equilibrium. It is particularly beneficial for the heart, lungs and circulatory system. Green governs the heart chakra, the centre of unselfish and unconditional love.

Positive benefits:

  • Facilitates peace, love, and harmony; helps with forgiveness

  • Enhances rest, relaxation, calmness, and stress reduction

  • Can assist in balancing the hormones

  • Increases immunity

  • Builds up muscles, bones, and tissues

  • Strengthens the nervous system

  • Helps to eliminate ulcers

  • Helpful in infertility

Green should be avoided when:

  • Excessive use can cause headaches


Blue is an essential healing colour linked with serenity, truth, and harmony. It has a relaxing effect on the mind and body. Because it is considered a “cold” colour, it can be used in all conditions that involve heat in the body. It helps with sleep and an ideal colour for calming hyperactive children. Blue represents the throat chakra, which governs communication and self-expression, helping you express your thoughts and emotions verbally. Because of its connection to the throat, it helps with imbalances in the thyroid and parathyroid glands, as well as tension in the neck and shoulder areas.

Positive Benefits:

  • light blue is considered more spiritual, dark blue more sociable

  • Eases chronic pain

  • Alleviates insomnia

  • Aids in calming/relaxing the mind, brings tranquility

  • Cools down inflammation (rheumatic inflammation, fever, etc)

  • Reduces high blood pressure

  • Stops bleeding

  • Relieves headaches and migraines

  • Calms strong emotions like anger, aggression or hysteria

  • Eases sore throats, laryngitis, etc

  • Stimulates the pineal gland, parasympathetic nervous system

  • Enhances endurance

Blue should be avoided when:

  • There is mild or severe depression


Indigo is another “cold” colour that can be used in all conditions involving heat. It enhances serenity, stillness, understanding, wisdom, devotion, imagination, awareness, accurate perception, courage and intuition. It has a relaxing effect on the mind and body. It is associated with the brow or “third eye” chakra. It is helpful for imbalances of the pineal and pituitary glands, the sinuses, eyes, ears, nose, and also with learning disabilities.

Positive benefits:

  • Helps reduce a rapid heart rate

  • Is an excellent purifier of the bloodstream

  • Benefits mental problems

  • Acts as a sedative

  • Relieves pain and reduces swelling


Violet has a soothing and calming effect. It enhances our sense of self as a spiritual being with feelings of compassion and creativity. Like purple and its related shades, lilac and lavender, violet is connected with spirituality and is therefore associated with perception, higher consciousness, intuition, and insight. It is also associated with creativity, beauty, inspiration, selflessness, generosity, and enhanced artistic ability. It is specific to the crown chakra, linked with the cerebral and nervous systems and mental function. It is useful the help with imbalances in the pineal and the pituitary glands.     

Positive benefits:

  • Alleviates melancholy, hysteria, delusions, and alcohol addiction

  • Slows down an overactive heart

  • Reduces eye inflammation

  • Stimulates the spleen and the white blood cells (immunity)

  • Soothes mental and emotional stress

  • Helps in detoxification

  • Expands blood vessels

  • Induces sleep

  • Helps with epilepsy, concussions, and neuralgia

  • Lowers body temperature

Book with Celia


Initial Harmonic Egg Experience (In person) — $175.00

Initial Harmonic Egg Experience (Virtual) —— $125.00

Harmonic Egg Experience (In person) ——— $125.00

Harmonic Egg Experience (Virtual) ——— $85.00

Memberships and Packages are available and can be discussed at your initial visit.

Prices are plus HST.  *Fees are subject to change
  • While everyone who experiences clausophobia has different tolerance levels, the Harmonic Egg is quite spacious inside. The ant-gravity chair used can incline all the way back and there is plenty of room to either side. Additionally, the session can be done with the door of the Egg open or while you are seated on the couch just outside of the Egg. There are also virtual healing sessions that can be discussed if your claustrophibia is severe.

  • Many people feel some results after just one session! Depending on your health goals typically 3-10 Egg sessions are required before achieving your desired results. Everyone’s body responds differently depending on their health history and current symptoms and the estimated plan will be discussed with you.

  • Clients are asked to simply sit back and relax while in the Egg. Many people find that the music and lights in the Harmonic Egg allow them to go into a meditative state or even fall asleep (yes, even those who have difficulty falling asleep!)

  • Not necessarily. Babies (8 weeks and older) and children can benefit from the nervous system regulation that the Harmonic Egg provides. Typically they need a much shorter session because their bodies naturally resonate and heal faster than adults. Kids can go into the egg and sit on their parents’ lap, or if they are old enough and willing, they can go in alone with the door open or closed.

  • The most important advice is to stay hydrated, both before and after your session. Eating in moderation and incorporating a healthy diet especially in the 24 hours following a session is also advised.

  • The Harmonic Egg can be offered with remote/distance healing sessions. If you would like to experience the Egg in person but are from far away we are more than happy to try to find a location closer to you, just ask!